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Bob Lang


Bob Lang

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My wife, Susan and I were high school sweethearts and got married after completing college. We have two grown sons and 5 grandchildren. Susan and I are both retired. I had been an Engineer at the Boeing Co, working in Quality Assurance. Susan had been a Psychologist working for the Chester County IU.

Susan and I were baptized in 1982 becoming members of the Upper Mainline Church of Christ. Our two sons, Justin & Joel, were also baptized at the Upper Mainline Church of Christ in their teenage years. Thanks to excellent leadership, preaching, and teaching we received thorough training in the Bible that strengthen us as workers for the Word of God.

Later, moving to the Coventry Hills Church of Christ I served as a deacon for 5 years until moving to the newly formed Chesmont Church of Christ in 1993. In the beginning years of Chesmont, I was one of two regular preachers and adult Bible Class teachers. When Chesmont organized their first elder group in 1999, I became one of the first elders. I served as an elder until 2014, when I retired due to a number of health issues. These issues have been handled by doctors and medication and I now feel back to being my normal strong self.

Over the years, in addition to serving as elder and deacon, I have preached as needed, and taught adult Bible classes. Susan taught children’s Bible classes at all of the congregations we have been honored to be members. She has taught Bible classes and counseled at the Singles Retreat at Camp Manatawny. At Chesmont she assisted feeding the children of Project Purpose for 7 years.

We both served for many years on the Board of Trustees of Coventry Christian Schools.

In 2019 & 2020, we traveled to Haiti to serve on the medical mission team with “Hope For Haiti’s Children”.

Since our baptisms in 1982, our belief and faith have continually grown through personal daily Bible study and prayer! We fully believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Savior. We also fully believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God that was provided for our daily growth in faith and service to Him. We totally believe that Jesus Christ set the example on how we are to serve our fellow Christians and teach and support those souls that are lost.